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About @ Arawindz

Dr. Aravindhavel A was born on February 21st, 1993 at Villupuram, municipality, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, India. He completed his schooling at St. Joseph Higher Secondary School, Cuddalore Tamil Nadu, India.

 He completed his Bachelor of Science in Physics at 2013 and Master of Science in Physics at 2015 from Department of Physics, Periyar Arts college, Cuddalore affiliated with Thiruvalluvar University Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. He completed  his doctoral degree in Physics with specialization of Atmospheric Science, under the supervision of Prof. D. Narayana Rao, Pro VC, SRM University, Amaravati, AP and Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mehta, Research Associate Professor, Atmospheric Observation and Modelling Laboratory, Department of Physics, SRM IST, Kattankulathur.  He has six-year research experience in the field of Atmospheric Science, especially in Aerosol Science. He has Advanced knowledge in a range of satellite-based remote sensing methodologies including ground-based techniques and regional models like WRF, HYSPLIT. He has Comprehensive knowledge of Installation, validation, algorithm development, retrieval of atmospheric parameter in LIDAR, RADIOSONDE Instrument. His research interests include the characterization of aerosols and the investigation of their influence on regional and global climate using observation and simulations.

  •  Ph.D. Physics*, SRM Research Institute, SRM Institute of Science and Technology. * - Thesis Submitted Dec, 2021

  • M.Sc Physics, Periyar Arts College, Affiliated with Thiruvalluvar University, Cuddalore, and Tamilnadu, Distinction - May 2015.

  • B.Sc. Physics, Periyar Arts College, Affiliated with Thiruvalluvar University, Cuddalore, and Tamilnadu, Distinction - May 2013.

Employment History

1. Project Scientist -I , Indian institute of Tropical Meteorology , Gov. of. India, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Pune.

2.Senior Research Fellow, Satellite Meteorology Cell, SRM Research Institute, SRM IST, Kattanulathur, Tamilnadu. (Sep 2019 – to  April 2022 )

2. Junior Research Fellow, Satellite Meteorology Cell, SRM Research Institute, SRM IST, Kattanulathur, Tamilnadu. (Aug 2015– to Aug2019)

3. Project fellow, Periyar Arts College, Affiliated with Thiruvalluvar University, Cuddalore, and Tamilnadu. (June 2014– to March 2015).


Awards / Scholarship/ Official Appreciation
  • Silver Medal - Research day 2020,  SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur -2019.


  • Best Research paper, Research Colloquium 2019, for poster presentation, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur -2019.


  • Best research project Award for “Spectroscopic studies on clay mineral excavated in mangrove forest near Estuary, silver beach, Devanampattinam, Cuddalore.” from Tamil Nadu state council for higher education under the scheme of student minor project and awarded – March 2015.


  • Cash award - Tamil Development Association - OCT 2014

Travel Grants

Partial Funding support to attend Maïdo Observatory Summer School, Reunion Island, France 2016.

Knowledge of Atmospheric Measuring Instruments

1. Comprehensive knowledge of Installation, validation, Algorithm development, retrieval of Atmospheric parameter and handling of LIDAR Instrument

2. Comprehensive knowledge of Installation, Launching, and handling of Radiosonde Instrument

3. Operational Knowledge of Sun photometer Instrumentation.

4. Operational Knowledge of Multi wavelength Radiometer.

Software Programing and Data analysis skills

1. Experienced in both windows and Linux platform.

2. Comprehensive programing Knowledge in MATLAB, PYTHON, Grads

3. Ground base Instrument Radiosonde, LIDAR, Sun photometer, MWR

4. Comprehensive knowledge in High performance super computing

Membership and Affiliation with Professional Societies

1.Indian Radio Science Society (InRaSS): New Delhi, New Delhi, IN | 2019 to present |

Student Membership ID: S2019002

2.India Meteorological Department: New Delhi, Delhi, IN| 2018 to present | Student Membership - ID S09

3.Indian Science Congress: New Delhi, Delhi, IN| 2016 to present | Student Membership -A373


1.“Spectroscopic studies on clay mineral excavated in mangrove forest near Estuary, silver beach, Devanampattinam, Cuddalore.” Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education (Chennai, Chennai) 2015 to 2015|

Other Activity and Interest

1. Gold Medal in State level boxing championship, May 2015, Cuddalore, Tamilnadu

2. Gold Medal in Rural Boxing National level championship, Feb 2014, Haryana.

3. Certificate of Participation for attending All India Interuniversity boxing men championship, BHU, Varanasi, UP, 2014.

4 Bronze Medal in Senior state men's boxing Championship,November 2012, Chennai, Nehru stadium, Tamilnadu boxing Association. 

5. Certificate of Merit, Winner of college level elocution, poem writing, essay writing.

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